Greener Way Associates

On The Job Training Program

OJT Program Registration

Welcome to Greener Way Associates’ Online Registration Page for our OJT (On-the-Job Training) Program!

Are you passionate about working outdoors, creating sustainable landscapes, and making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further! Our OJT program offers an exciting opportunity for students and young individuals to earn while they learn in the fast-growing field of eco-landscaping.

With climate change driving the demand for green collar jobs, we provide hands-on training that equips you with the essential skills to thrive in this industry. Not only will you have the chance to contribute to the creation of vibrant “food jungles,” orchards, and water-saving landscapes, but you’ll also earn a real wage once you’ve mastered the necessary skills.

By registering for our program, you’ll gain valuable experience and knowledge in eco-landscaping techniques that promote biodiversity, conserve water, and build climate resilience. Whether you’re a student seeking practical learning opportunities or an individual ready to embark on an exciting career path, our OJT program offers the perfect platform to hone your skills and make a real difference.

To join our upcoming OJT program and begin your journey towards a rewarding green collar career, simply complete the registration form below. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Greener Way Associates community and empower you to become an agent of positive change.

Register now and take the first step towards a greener future!

Consent and Waiver Form

By submitting this form, I am acknowledging that I have read this waiver, understand it and freely and voluntarily agree to it terms and conditions. I am freely participating in the above-described program. (1) I understand that my activities as a participant may entail a risk of physical injury and I may be exposed to conditions involving risk of harm. I understand and voluntarily assume all such risks of my own free will. (2) I hereby release the Greener Way Associates, its officers, directors, employees and agents, co-sponsoring organizations or individuals from any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages arising from or in any way related to their acts or omissions or my service as a participant. I do so for myself, my estates and personal representatives thereof, my heirs and assigns. (3) In case of emergency, accident or illness, I give my permission to be treated by a professional medical person and admitted to a hospital, if necessary. I agree to be the party responsible for all medical expenses which are incurred on my behalf. (4) I agree that photographs or videos taken of me may be used by sponsoring agencies in any material or publications, printed or electronic.